Coffee Shops Feed

Caribou Coffee - Coralville

Caribou CoffeeOur Roastmasters are personally responsible for all our coffees. They've spent years in the field "quite literally" discovering and delivering the best coffees from around the globe.

Every year, we travel the globe to find the finest coffee available. We'll try hundreds of samples from any one country. Then, we select the most spectacular coffees to bring home to you.

Our company's size is perfect for sourcing the best of each country's crop. We're able to bring in special coffees that might otherwise be out of the small roaster's reach or too limited in supply for the large roaster.


2445 2nd St., Ste 3, Coralville

PH: 319-354-2297


Coffee Emporium - Coralville, Iowa City


With locations on either side of Iowa’s famous Corridor, the Coffee Emporium is rooted in a vibrant, caring community!

For over eighteen years, we’ve been the spot for local coffee lovers to socialize at, delighting in timeless small-town comforts with an urban twist. We serve the best coffee in the area, as well as soups, salads, sandwiches, and an assortment of baked goods.

Stop by our Iowa City or Coralville locations for a relaxing experience in a friendly, welcoming environment.


The Java House - Iowa City

Java HouseJava House founder Tara Cronbaugh first developed a passion for coffee, or more accurately, coffee house ambience, in 1990 during a visit to her brother at the University of California Berkeley. She was fascinated with how social yet relaxing it was to visit the locally-owned and unique establishments. “Why is there not such a coffeehouse in Iowa City?” she asked herself, and in a sorority room at the University of Iowa, the Java House concept was created.

In April 1994, Tara launched the first Java House location on the second floor of Prairie Lights. She opened the Washington Street store in October of the same year. The Mormon Trek and First Avenue locations followed in 1998 and 2003. In 2005, The Java House earned the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics contract to operate kiosks in the hospitals, which led to the three outlets that currently have a home in UIHC.

Every day, before the sun rises, our Java House Bakery staff visits each location to fill the pastry cases with dozens of tempting treats. Cinnamon roll, muffin, scone — each is a perfect accompaniment to a cup of coffee or a latte, and each one is baked fresh each day at The Java House Bakery.

Coffee Menu

Iowa City Area Locations & Store Hours



Bachelor on the Cheap: Cleaning the Coffee Pot

Facebook MemeBy Mike Thayer

I'm an everyday coffee drinker, sometimes two cups in the morning, sometimes four - hello bathroom!  I'm pretty much done drinking coffee before I clock in for work in the morning (I'm an early riser), then it's water or a soda for the rest of the day.

So how often are you supposed to clean your coffee pot?  You do clean it right?  I mean, there's more to keeping it clean than just rinsing the pot and the basket out....

20170713_120152I give my coffee pot an 'internal cleanse' about once a month using plain old vinegar.  I brew a full 12 cup pot of water combined with a 1/2 cup of vinegar, I do this three times (dumping the pot of hot vinegar water down a drain each time*), then run 3-4 pots of just plain water through to get rid of the vinegar smell.  Brewing vinegar water does a couple things.  1.  Gets rid of scaling/hard water build up.  2.  Gets rid of coffee residue.  Over time, coffee oils leave a residue and if you didn't know, the longer between 'internal cleanses' the more the residue build up and the more bitter your coffee becomes.

*Tip, if you've got any slow drains in your house, that's where you want to dump your vinegar water.  Hot water + vinegar = a faster drain.   Don't confuse that with unclogging a drain.  The hot water & vinegar is a preventive, not a cure.

I don't recommend washing your pot or basket in the dishwasher.  While a dishwasher may clean them up just fine, dishwashers also prematurely age plastic.  The lid for the pot (probably plastic), the handle for the pot (probably plastic) and the basket (most assuredly has some plastic) will suffer long-term from repeated dishwasher washing.  Not only that, but the key piece, the basket, may have some operational parts (like springs, and springs are metal) in it and those will suffer from the humidity a dishwasher creates.

I hand wash my coffee pot when required.   

Giving your coffee pot a monthly 'internal cleanse' will give your coffee pot longer life and the most important thing - avoids bitter-tasting coffee!  Think about that the next time you have restaurant coffee.......  If it tastes bitter......


