Houses of Worship Feed

Agudas Achim Congregation - Iowa City

Agudas Achim SynagogueAgudas Achim is the nexus of the local Jewish community, providing a well-rounded education for youth as well as a fulfilling experience for the entire family. We proudly welcome all families of all religious and social backgrounds. Agudas Achim is affiliated with both the Union for Reform Judaism and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Shabbat evening services are from Mishkan Tefillah (Reform) and Shabbat morning services are from Mishkan Teffilah on the first Shabbat of the month and from Siddur Sim Shalom (Conservative) on the other Shabbatot. We are in a former Gold's Gym which has recently been completely remodeled to become our synagogue. Visit us!

Feel free to call (319-337-3813) or to send an email [email protected] . We are happy to answer questions about life cycle events or other questions you may have.

The synagogue offers a full range of religious and social activiites for adults, young adults, and children.

 Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz is origially from the Netherlands, and also has lived in Spain, the United States and Israel. She trained for the rabbinate at the Ziegler School of Rabbinics in Los Angeles, affiliated with the Conservative movement, as well as the Leo Baeck College in London, affiliated with the Reform movement. Her rabbinic ordination came from the Reform movement.

Agudas Achim Congregation
401 E. Oakdale Blvd.
Coralville, IA 52241

P: (319)-337-3813


University of Iowa Hillel - Iowa City

U of I HillelHillel is an amazing way to meet all kinds of people. We have a wonderful building right on the edge of campus with a phenomenal lounges, a Judaic library, a chapel, an industrial-sized Kosher kitchen and dining room, and plenty of study space. We're able to use all this space in addition to myriad locations on campus and in Iowa City to bring you a truly diverse set of programs – and we have big plans for this year! We also have many students who plan their own programs and events, so if you’re interested in starting, planning, or co-sponsoring a program/event, we’d love to make it happen; we're always looking for new ideas!

122 East Market Street Iowa City, Iowa, 52425
